


The EwaGlos Project


The Association of Conservator-Restorers in Bulgaria is associated partner in the European project EwaGlos - European Illustrated Glossary for Conservation Terms of Wall Painting and Architectonic Surfaceshttp://ewaglos.eu/ . A consortium of seven institutions from seven different European countries with different languages and cultural heritage - supported by associated partners and external experts with another four European languages - intends to develop a richly illustrated glossary, including informative photos and sketches: concise texts and demonstrative illustrations are designed to help readers quickly grasp and understand each term, even across language barriers.

Starting Point
The mobility of conservation specialists in Europe and the tenders of contracts on the European level are increasing at the same speed as the public’s interest in their cultural heritage and the preservation measures shown e.g. at the European Heritage Days. But communication is still difficult because the conservation terminology is not yet standardised in Europe and the dissemination to the general population not sufficient.

As a result, this consortium of seven institutions from seven different European countries with different languages and cultural heritage - supported by associated partners and external experts with another four European languages - intends to develop a richly illustrated glossary, including informative photos and sketches: concise texts and demonstrative illustrations are designed to help readers quickly grasp and understand each term, even across language barriers. The main activities during the 24 months duration will be to clarify the terminology of the conservation of wall painting and architectonic surfaces among Europe conservation and restoration specialists, to get an excellent translation of the terminology.
The languages will be:
English, French, German, Croatian, Italian, Turkish, Spanish, Romanian, and probably - provided as a voluntary contribution by the associated partners and experts - Hungarian, Polish and Bulgarian.
In the end, the glossary will be available to the general public as an inexpensive, not-for-profit print publication and as a free download on the internet.

Reason for specification
The project specialises in wall paintings and architectonic surfaces because this terminology is of great significance for the most part of our heritage, i. e. historic buildings, their surfaces and decorations: a completely different sector compared with museums and collections.

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